Friday, October 24, 2008

Canadian Biathletes get Naked for Sport

The Canadian Biathlon team is trying to bring awareness and funding to their sport by getting naked. the 14th month calenar features the five women team, in various poses all nude.

Here is the information they provided about the calender:
We are the Canadian Women's Biathlon Team. We are a dynamic, positive and
internationally competitive team of five women who share a common dream to excel
at Canada's Olympics in 2010 and beyond. Despite the upcoming home Games, our
team is in dire need of funding. This is our initiative to take control, affect
positive change and continue the success of our team. Our goal is to empower
women and girls through inspiring quotes and expressing the beauty of an
athletic body. The profits go directly to funding our training and competition
expenses up until the 2010 Olympics. It is a 14-month calendar which details our
race schedule up to the Vancouver Winter Olympic Games.

To purchase one visit

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